"Replica molds of cicada wings give flight to possibilities of antibacterial surfaces"

Pleased to be involved with Prof. Susan Kelleher’s work on cicada wings with Dr Shauna Flynn as first author. The work was recently published in Biointerphases' Special Topic Collection: Biomimetics of Biointerfaces.

“Replica molding of cicada wings: The role of water at point of synthesis on nanostructure feature size,” by Shauna P. Flynn, Stephen Daniels, Brian J. Rodriguez, and Susan M. Kelleher, Biointerphases (2020). The article can be accessed here.

The work was selected as a featured article and an AIP Scilight.



Towards the end of last year, the European Commission / CORDIS released a Results in Brief on our Matrixassay project. You can read about it here in 6 languages! Thanks to the European Commission for the Horizon 2020 MSCA funding, our Project Officer, and to all of the beneficiaries and partners for their thoughtful work during the project.


South China Normal University

Brian visited the lab of Prof. Xingsen Gao at South China Academy of Advanced Optoelectronics, South China Normal University. The university is located in Guangzhou University Town on Xiaoguwei Island. Prof. Gao and Brian were postdocs together over a decade ago in Germany and Fengyuan Zhang was formerly in Prof. Gao’s group before joining UCD to work towards her PhD. It was great to see their facilities, including their AFMs and wall of posters. Following the tour, we had a wonderful lunch and did some sightseeing. The whole team at SCNU was very kind and went out of their way to be welcoming! Looking forward to continued collaboration!


2019 International Workshop on Atomic Force Microscopy for Advanced Functional Materials

Fengyuan and Brian presented at the 2019 International Symposium on Advanced Functional Materials and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM2 2019) and Academic Annual Conference of the Chinese Ceramic Society Micro-nano Technology Branch in Guangzhou. This outstanding conference was co-organised by Fengyuan’s MSc advisor, Prof. Xingsen Gao and colleagues at South China Normal University along with co-chairs Prof. Jiangyu Li (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology) and Prof. Jingfeng Li (Tsinghua University).

Fengyuan (below, right) received a best poster award at the conference banquet!


Workshop on Emerging Oxide Electronics Dec 13 2019

Brian had the pleasure of attending and presenting at The First Great Bay Area Workshop on Emerging Oxide Electronics for Information and Health at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences. It was great to see the labs of Prof. Jiangyu Li and his colleagues and to make new friends. Thanks for the hospitality!
