
Alyona Yedelkina

Alyona joined UCD as a PhD student in the School of Physics in September 2022 under the supervision of Antonio Benedetto and Brian Rodriguez. Her project focuses on the effect of ionic liquids on lipid bilayers of increasing complexity and cells by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM), neutron scattering, and other complementary techniques. She was originally supported by a UCD School of Physics scholarship and is now on an Irish Research Council Fellowship.



Aidan O'Dowling

Aidan is a surgical trainee who graduated from medicine in UCC in 2017. He is currently undertaking an MD investigating the biomechanics of the pancreatic cancer microenvironment under the supervision of Dr. Stephen Thorpe and Brian Rodriguez.



Michelle Fox

Michelle graduated from the University of Galway with a bachelor of science in 2020. In September of that year, she joined the UCD School of Medicine as a PhD student and an anatomy demonstrator. Her research focuses on the biomechanics of the pancreatic cancer tumour microenvironment under the supervision of Dr. Stephen Thorpe and Brian Rodriguez.



Sinny Trivedi

Sinny received her PhD degree in Physics from Gujarat University, India in 2019. Her area of research was on structural, optical and electrical properties of the wide band gap oxides and their hetrostructures. She received her MPhil degree in Physics in 2009. She is a visiting researcher at UCD. While at UCD she is learning Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy (PFM) under the supervision of Professor Brian Rodriguez. She is interested in gaining more knowledge on learning and applying AFM techniques, contributing to group activities including photodeposition experiments.



Lima Zhou

Lima graduated with a Master's in Materials Science from the University of Augsburg, Germany, focusing on domain (wall) engineering, using broadband dielectric spectroscopy and various modes of AFM. He joined the UCD School of Physics as a PhD student in September 2023 under the supervision of Brian Rodriguez. His project, funded by the Irish Research Council, addresses the question of whether the presence of ionic species can change the size of ferroelectric domains using (liquid) AFM, aiming at the exciting research direction of ferroelastic-ferroelectrics for artificial muscles.



Nawal Ashraf

Nawal is a PhD researcher in the Nanoscale Function Group. She graduated from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS, Beijing, China) with a Master in Nanoscience and Technology in 2022. During her graduate research, she worked at National Centre for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST, Beijing, China), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and National Centre for Physics (NCP, Islamabad, Pakistan). In 2023, she conducted postgraduate research at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia) and subsequently joined University College Dublin in 2024 to continue her PhD studies. She is a recipient of four international scholarships, including Belt and Road (China), ANSO (China), KAUST Scholarship (Saudi Arabia), and SIRAT (Ireland). At NFG, her research focuses on manoeuvring ferroelectric templates using AFM and other methods for electrooptic and catalysis applications.



Yevhen Brych

Yev joined the Nanoscale function group at the beginning of 2024 during his Nanotechnology Masters at UCD. Prior to this, he completed his Bachelor in Physics and Biomedical Sciences at DCU in 2023, where he worked on prototyping sustainable 3D printed Microwell plates.

Current Research Interests
All things AFM, with a focus on electrical modes. As well as developing a pre-existing but unimplemented Scanning Microwave Impedance Microscopy (sMIM) mode for the AFMs in the Nanoscale Function group lab.


Saakshi Podduturu

Saakshi is currently a 3rd year undergraduate at University of California Merced, studying Computer Science and Engineering. In her summer research project in the Nanoscale Function Group, she focuses on data analysis of force and bias spectroscopy data, using her technical expertise to generate insights and advance ongoing projects’ goals.


Fernando Góis Sá

Fernando is a PhD student born in Madeira Island and currently researching at the University of Aveiro, in Portugal. He graduated from this same university with a bachelor’s in Biotechnology and with a Master in Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology, where he focused on the bacterial production and extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates. With his PhD, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, he is studying the electromechanical behaviour of bacterial cellulose (BC), as well as diverse BC-based composites. Fernando’s research group has an old collaboration streak with the nanofunction group, with Dr. Brian Rodriguez expertise of AFM/PFM on biomolecular level being proven with several past shared publications. At the Nanofunction laboratory he is hoping to shed a light on understanding the electrical behaviour of BC.